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Washington Post Poll Is BRUTAL For Obama And ObamaCare »
November 19, 2013
Top Headline Comments 11-19-13
Happy Tuesday.
It was a three- or four-scandal night for the Obama Administration. Starting with the worst, NYPost has a columnist who found a guy who says that the Census Bureau "faked" the jobs report in September 2012 to benefit Obama's reelection campaign.
Just as Sen. Gillibrand told "This Week" that "we all knew" that Obama's keep-your-plan talk was a lie, the DOJ apparently also knew that a majority of group health plans would no longer be grandfathered by the end of 2013.
A risk assessment completed for HHS in the spring predicted many of the Obamacare website problems, including the call center bottle-neck and the nonfunctional website.
Obama hosted a conference call with OFA last night, but their website failed for many users, reporting "connection failure" and not playing Obama's audio even for those who managed to connect. Awwwwkwaaaaard.
This column by a "seething" Obama supporter who has just realized what a cock-up Obamacare has become discusses the problems with trying to sign up for the exchanges.
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posted by Gabriel Malor at
06:45 AM
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