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Overnight Open Thread (10-14-2013) »
October 14, 2013
MNF Thread
Chargers and Colts on the west coast. Also, the Cowboys win over the hapless Redskins just reinforces my thought that the NFC East is completely full of suck.
May I take a technological editorial moment? Thank you.
On Friday evening my laptop crapped its final and joined the choir invisible. I'm traveling, so I grabbed some inexpensive HP replacement which I'm fine with.
Except. Windows 8. Now I realize I'm a bit older and set in my ways but who in the hell thought a user interface designed for tablets would be super neato for laptops? Laptops without a touchscreen.
An idiot that's who.
Hey, I have an iPad, I *get* it. Windows 8 is stupid. So there, I said that.
Here, have a cheerleader. She's cute.

posted by Dave In Texas at
09:00 PM
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