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September 25, 2013
Buzzfeed Finds Location of Cory Booker's Friend "T-Bone:" In His Pants
Are we giving up the other storyline on Cory Booker? You know, that when it comes to women, he really likes sandwiches?
I don't know if this is a Scandal!!! or a planted damage-control story.
At any rate, NSFW, because there are a lot of boobies (well actually the same two, over and over again), here's Cory Booker's DMing, flirty relationship with a stripper. A female stripper.
If you can't click, the story is that Booker follows a Stripper on Twitter and is known to have DMd her (she published a few of the DMs, which were flirty without being actually lewd or propositioning or anything).
She says that Booker was merely "flattering" her, and so nothing more should be read into it.
Except that the main avenue of expressing sexual interest is flattery and always has been and always will be.
On one hand, he is single, and is therefore entitled to do what he likes with whoever he likes; but, on other hand...
Eh! I guess there's not really an other hand.
I guess then technically, and actually, this Doesn't Matter. It especially doesn't matter in New Jersey, where people have adopted New York City's mores as a signal about their own sophistication in such matters.
I guess we can still crack jokes about it, though.
Even though, actually, anyone's texts like this would be pretty funny were they shared with the wider world.