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September 25, 2013
Oh, Lord: Politico Fact-Checks Ted Cruz's Recitation of "Green Eggs and Ham;" Finds It "Pants on Fire"
Okay that headline I did juice -- but Politico decided to pull a sorta "Fact Check" by contacting a socialist professor who wrote a book about Dr. Seuss and Social Justice and asking him if Dr. Seuss would like Ted Cruz.
If he were still alive.
And also as if this is relevant to any point one could imagine.
No link for Politico.
Dr. Seuss wouldn’t have had much of an appetite for Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) reading “Green Eggs and Ham” on the Senate floor, experts on the author said Wednesday.
“Not only would he be offended at the misuse of ‘Green Eggs and Ham,’ but he’d be offended at almost everything that Ted Cruz stands for, which is to remove the safety net from poor people, poor and vulnerable people, he’s clearly more power hungry than he is compassionate and he’s a bully,” Dr. Peter Dreier, a professor of politics at
“Without a doubt, if Dr. Seuss were still around today, he would be poking fun at and criticizing Ted Cruz,” Dreier said.
Dreier included Dr. Seuss — whose real name is Theodor Geisel — in his book, “The 100 Greatest Americans of the 20th Century: A Social Justice Hall of Fame” and said Geisel would be “offended” at Cruz using the famous children’s book in his argument against Obamacare.
“‘Green Eggs and Ham’ is about trying new things and giving it a chance and being open to change, right? And here’s Ted Cruz trying to stop Obamacare, really before it gets going,” Dreier said.
#smarttake from the Bennington College Media.*
Thanks to @benk84.
* I'm just picking on Bennington because I think Brett Easton Ellis went there and he seemed to depict it as a very druggy, party-down school for the not-terribly-scholarly children of the Upper Middle Class or full on Upper Class. It's an expensive place. Apparently, if I remember Ellis' books correctly, the main majors are Pill Addiction and Gay Sex Experimentation.
Dr. Seuss Would Totally Approve of Republicans-- He Was Racist! Just kidding, but here's some of Geisel's eyebrow-lifting WWII propaganda work.
Via Dr. Spank, who I'm told is actually not a doctor but he is enrolled in a Ph.D. program and is just waiting for his dissertation to be given a passing grade.