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Overnight Open Thread (21 Dec 2012) »
December 21, 2012
Schadenfreude and Smartassery [Warden]
If there's one lesson from today's fiscal cliff debacle its that there's no avoiding the turd sandwich Obama voters have served up to us.
The only upside is that steamy meal is being served to America "family style." Sooner or later, these chumps are ALSO gonna get a nice juicy mouthful of what they've cooked up--they just don't know it yet.
And when they do? We'll be there--big, assholish grins on our gleeful, told-you-so faces.
Maybe it's already happened.
So what say you, Moron Horde? Are we gonna fight on this blog all day long or are we gonna toss back a few beers and share some stories about being absolute DICKS to liberals we know?
Weigh in. If you don't have a good story, tell me what you plan on saying when, say, your loudmouthed leftwing co-worker finds out his healthcare premiums are going up by 25%?
Or when his taxes go up after we go over the fiscal cliff.
Gimme your best, chowder heads. It's bad enough you regularly disappoint your spouses in bed. (They email me. Shame on you, Dave in Texas, for that trick you tried with your thumb.) Don't let down your fake internet friends, too.
posted by Open Blogger at
07:37 PM
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