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December 17, 2012
Southern Governor Removes Black Man From The House of Representatives
That's how it's going to be framed anyway.
Early reports claim that Nikki Haley has chosen Tim Scott to replace Jim DeMint in the Senate.
Scott rode the Tea Party wave in 2010. He will be the first black Senator from the South since the 19th century and the only black senator in the current senate.
Ms. Haley seriously considered a number of potential contenders, particularly Jenny Sanford, the ex-wife of former Gov. Mark Sanford, who had been supportive of Ms. Haley in her race two years ago. But in choosing Mr. Scott, she selected a senator with a strong conservative voting record during his two years in Congress.
Additionally, Mr. Scott offers a unique story and background, one that is in scant supply in the Republican party right now. Raised by a single mother, he was, by his account, a lost child who struggled with school and with life until a Chick-fil-A franchise owner took him on as a protégé and schooled him in conservative principles.
“Coming from a single-parent household and almost flunking out of high school,” Mr. Scott said in 2010, during his bid for the House, “my hope is I will take that experience and help people bring out the best that they can be.”
He was backed by the American Conservative Union and Jim DeMint.
Well that didn't take long, did it Luke Russert?
*headline idea stolen from Timothy Carney