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Overnight Open Thread (11-25-2012) »
November 25, 2012
The Week In Review-Gaming thread
Well, hope you became fatty fat fucks on Thursday. Wish I could say the same about videogame news but shit be lacking yo. Other than Wii U face-planting on Giant Bomb's livecast, there hasn't been much going on.
Giant Bomb kicked off the Wii U launch with a special live cast where they were plagued with an hour and a half system up date, horrible lag in the ports and just general fuckery.
Hopefully you don't create an account on someone else's system as you can't transfer your account between systems. That's Nintendo for you, still can't grasp this new thing called internet.
If nothing else, Reggie was right in that the Wii U version of Arkham City is a different game since Joker stole the FPS.
Since it's out, we've finally got some concrete details on the innards of the system and frankly they're not pretty. 4A Games (Metro 2033) and DICE (Battlefield series and Mirror's Edge) have come out saying that the CPU is slower than what would be expected. They said enough that 4A Game's publisher, THQ, had to do damage control
The ram is simple DDR3 and a whopping 2 gigs of it (one gig for the OS and another for actual games). Of course that isn't the whole picture as no one has been able to figure out how much eDRAM (or I haven't seen anything myself but if you have a reliable source with it, please post it). Hopefully with the Euro launch, Ars Technica can fill in the gaps.
I guess if there is a positive, Wii U doesn't have the usual Nintendo supply shenanigans as they have been easy to find in stores since launch. And if you do buy one, please spend the extra $50 and buy the Deluxe model as it is worth the extra cash and you do get NintendoLand which really is a good minigame collection (not on the par of Wii Sports but still damn good).
Looks like Sony is going to need a second job to afford their debt as Fitch has lowered them to junk status
Microsoft reiterates their orginal goal with the Xbox brand, internet spazzes out
Don't know about you but other than an awesome sale from Microsoft's store which rivaled the awesome clearances from Circuit City and picking up an iCade from thinkgeek since it's on sale, Black Friday sales have been crap for me. And Valve should have never hired the economist as the Steam sales has been garbage since.
Wish I could say much about The Walking Dead's season finale but my backlog has kicked my ass. What I have played, it's very much worth the dough (you may have missed the sales on Steam and Amazon but it's worth the cash when the Christmas sale comes from Valve)
Other than that, this holiday week has been quite quiet. Any cool deals you've come across? Any cool videogame related stories with the fam on Thanksgiving?

posted by Gang of Gaming Morons! at
07:00 PM
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