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March 21, 2012
Top Headline Comments 3-21-12
Happy Wednesday.
Fandango reports that the Hunger Games has sold out almost 2,000 theaters in advance of Friday's release, making it the top-selling franchise opener and non-sequel in Fandango's nearly 12-year history. I don't really know what the movie's about, except that it's a post-apocalyptic to-the-death reality show (like Rollerball, Death Race, the Running Man, etc.) with teens, but the kids love it and it sounds like this is supposed to be either the next Harry Potter or the next Twilight.
Analysts say the Fed fudged its "stress test" for two TARP banks, so they could be green-lighted to repay their outstanding TARP loans. Although analysts and, apparently, the banks' shareholders thought Regions Financial and Zions Bankcorp. would fail the stress test, the Fed gave them better grades than many of their larger rivals.
This comes with the BREAKING NEWS caveat that what is reported may change rapidly or be corrected: French police are in a shooting standoff with the Islamist jack-hole who killed French soldiers and Jews. They have orders to take the 24 year-old alive, probably because of reports that he wasn't working alone.
Venerable bands KISS and Motley Crue are getting together for a 40-show U.S. tour. They swear this is not a f***ing joke.
Ron Paul has declined Secret Service protection because, he says, Secret Service is welfare. He was on Leno, so maybe he was joking?

posted by Gabriel Malor at
06:52 AM
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