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March 10, 2012
NASA claims debate wins over Mayans*. [krakatoa]
NASA, finding that putting humans in space, much less on other solar bodies, is far too demanding has taken to debunking the Mayans.
(As an aside -- shouldn't they just drop the "S"? I guess "NAA" just sounds too negative.)
That whole 2012, end-of-the-world thing? Head of the Near-Earth Objects Program Office at NASA Don Yeomans says it's all a bunch of hoo-ha.
If that's not enough to kill your sense of wonder and doom, another NASA brain with apparently plenty of free time now that they aren't in the Space business anymore has gone and debunked this:
Now if only they could apply some of that logic, deductive reasoning and common sense to other doomsday myths, like, say, the whole AGW cult, they might actually start to redeem themselves.
Ahh...Who am I trying to kid? I won't be satisfied til I get my air-car and a condo on the moon.
* And let's be honest -- winning a debate against dead people is hardly impressive compared to the Apollo program.

posted by Open Blogger at
12:10 PM
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