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February 27, 2012
We're Just Kinda Making Up Shit Now: The MFM Narrative in Full Swing
Yahoo News is in full on campaign mode.
None of us is surprised by this. This is pointing out hypocrisy for the sake of pointing it out. And making me tired for the three-hundredth time of doing so.
The narrative: A wealthy banker leaves a 1% tip for a hard-working waitress with a snide handwritten note on the receipt admonishing her to "get a real job".
Get it? 1%.
Seriously. See, he's Wealthy. And a Banker. You can spot them because of the WB lapel pin. This story was posted on a "blog", which has since been taken down because of "all the attention". He told her, he wrote it with a pen (fountain pen I'll bet), "get a real job".
This is what passes for news now.
The trailer story is not made up shit, it's just made up drama, actress Lucy Lawless is fighting the good fight against Shell Oil to save the Arctic. All she wanted was a mission. And for her sins they gave her one. Brought it up to her, like room service. She was going to the worst place in the world, and she didn’t even know it yet. Weeks away and hundreds of miles up a glacier that snaked through the ice like a main circuit cable and plugged straight into Shell Oil Company.

posted by Dave In Texas at
09:30 PM
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