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November 07, 2011
"Non-Violent Protesters:" Occupy DC Pushes 78-Year-Old Woman To the Ground
The aftermath of the assault is at 3:20 in the video below the fold, but before that is plenty of violent behavior by the mob.
The media likes to claim these demonstrations are "mostly" non-violent. But every mob persists because of the implied -- and often express -- threat that violence will ensue if police attempt to disperse them.
Before the elderly woman is pushed to the ground (on a flight of stairs!) for the crime of attending a conference the mob doesn't support, the mob indulges in a joyous spree of menace and intimidation. They gleefully block a car, driven by a guy (black-- racist!) with a 2-year-old in the back seat, just trying to get home, because they want to make their physical capacity to harm other people known. They get in the face of a couple with what looks like a four year old and a pre-toddler, to let them know the mob has power over them. They get up into people's faces with menacing gestures -- hands flashed quickly to people's faces, a pantomime of violence -- to let them know the mob can hurt them, the moment it wishes to.
This is non-violent? Amid all the actual violence is the deliberate attempt to instill fear of imminent danger to one's body.
Compare and contrast the media's breathless efforts to paint the Tea Party's jeering and laughing at politicians as a clear and present danger to the peace of the republic. But the Occupy movement threatens violence constantly, and frequently erupts in actual attacks on police and citizens, but the media insists on referring to this disorder and menace as being "mostly non-violent."
Nevermind all the goddamned rapes and now the dead woman found in Vancouver.