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November 06, 2011
My Second Earthquake
Update: The USGS has revised the number to 5.6.
Oklahoma. The USGS says it was a 5.2. Here's a map. I'm about fifty miles directly west of there, and it was very jerky--much jerkier than my first quake last February. Just guessing here, but the dominant frequency was something like 2hz to 3hz. My first quake was a 4.7, also about fifty miles away, southeast. It had a frequency more like a jackhammer, 5hz to 6hz, seems like.
So, I'm wondering. Any earthquake veterans out there? Do they normally vary that much (subjectively)? Is a 5.2 that much worse than a 4.7? Also, any geologists? What's up with all the earthquakes around here lately? Has there been a surge in this region? Any chance there will be a significantly bigger one?
And when does the volcano break through?
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posted by rdbrewer at
12:42 AM
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