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March 23, 2011
A Year Later, Opinion Is Still Strong Against ObamaCare
We needed to pass it to find out what was in it, but it turns out, what was in it was worse than expected.
Thirty-seven percent of Americans support the measure, with 59 percent opposed. That's basically unchanged from last March, when 39 percent supported the law and 59 percent opposed the measure.
Based on this I think we are being far too timid on repeal -- or defunding, for now.
I understand that the GOP will be timid when public opinion runs against us. That's normal, and (I would argue) tactically defensible and maybe even optimal.
But when 59% -- as clear a majority as you can realistically hope to have in our divided nation -- opposes the measure? And of course when almost all of that 59% is either "the base" or "the persuadable right-leaning independents"?
Maybe not this time, but soon: We need to just vote to delay all implementation of ObamaCare until, say 2013. We can claim we'll "look it over" at that point. Or something.
But defunding this now seems cost-free. And if Obama chooses to shut down the government over it, so be it; a shut-down is coming one way or another anyway.
If 59% of the public is opposed to ObamaCare they will not blame us for saving money by defunding it until 2013.
I say "until 2013" but of course you know I have in mind full repeal in January 2013. But claiming funding is only delayed rather than completely removed puts us in the position of saying, "And this Obama character is shutting down the government over a mere delay of funding of a bill that's not even to take effect until 2014...
Hell, dress it up as Obama's favorite punt -- we're going to delay funding while we compose a fact-finding ad-hoc blue-panel committee to study the effects of the law.
But we have to be more forward leaning on this. This is no radical move. This is mainstream and popular.
Meanwhile, a reminder from Ron Johnston: ObamaCare will destroy health care.