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March 23, 2011
The "Remarkable" Coalition: Germany Withdraws Troops From NATO; Tensions Rise Over Ambiguous, Contradictory Goals of Mission
How Andrea Mitchell did swoon over the "remarkable" coalition Obama had assembled! Apparently this stupid bint doesn't read the newspapers, or else she'd have known that 1, Britain and France pushed for this, while America refused to commit to either intervention or non-intervention, and 2, Germany was against it. (So was Russia, but that's more expected.)
When Andrea Mitchell praises Obama for assembling such a grand coalition, then, she's speaking entirely of France, as France supported this action but notoriously undermined Bush in Iraq.
And, again, she's getting the Hero and Sidekick in this story reversed -- it was the French who used a combination of diplomacy and shame to change Obama's mind, not the other way around. Of course, it will be the US that does the bulk of the heavy lifting, because of our "unique capabilities" (no thanks on that to Obama and the Peace Fags), but it was France who either convinced us or snookered us to paint the Libyan fence.
Saying "Obama persuaded France to join our coalition" is like saying "Chuck Lorre persuaded Charlie Sheen to be winning." You can't convince someone to do what they're already climbing the walls to do.
You know who wasn't super-forward-leaning on Libya? Like, who actually had to be persuaded? Germany. And they remain unpersuaded.
If Obama's such a stellar diplomat and so good at charming and Spocking allies into aiding us, how come Germany's pulling its ships out of the Mediterranean in order to avoid having them used in Libya as part of a NATO action?
Once again, Obama is getting credit for, basically, the sun coming up in the morning. For stuff he actually didn't do. And when it comes to stuff he could do but fails to do -- well, the media is silent.
Let's just give him praise for "getting France on board" and ignore the part about France being a main driver of interventionist policy from the second week of the rebellion.
And let's also ignore the part about another ally withdrawing its ships from NATO control.