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November 27, 2010
Koreans Ready for War? (Ben)
I was cruising the internets today creating original content lifting material from other people and I came across an article at Business Insider. A poll was conducted and found that 45% of Koreans support escalation.
Some 34% don't want escalation but will support a military response if the Norks attack again. (By support they mean real support, not like a Democratic politician support).
The author notes:
But If there is another attack, these responses suggests around three in four South Koreans would support military response. That's saying a lot for a country that knows military engagement exposes them the world's biggest artillery force, chemical weapons and half a dozen nuclear weapons.
Please check out the link. They have a lot of great photos of the artillery attack aftermath. You'll have to click a link or two when you get there, but worth checking out.
Also, here is a link to Pat Buchanan's latest article about Korea. I think all of his articles are just mad libs. They all tend to ask the same question, "Why are we still in _______?". Fill in the blank depending on what country is in the news.

posted by Open Blogger at
05:13 PM
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