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November 27, 2010
Obama's 39 Percent Approval Rating - Fore! [Journolist]

Hey, let’s talk about the plummeting popularity and sinking poll numbers of the President who would be King but for the constitution.
I suspect “king” isn’t the most accurate of descriptors as it denotes nobility and an air of royalty. What we have going on with Mr. Obama is the first president that has a past alias and whose entire background of primary school records, post-secondary college transcripts, employment history, etcetera, have either been scrubbed or are under court seal.
We are operating in a sort of political Never, Never Land with an executive branch that is setting itself apart from the simple commoners, the proletariat, in their quest to reorder the government’s interposition with society.
The government’s interposition with society? What in tarnation does that exactly mean? It means the Obama administration and its political functionaries are making laws and regulations that place the government between the citizens and their choices i.e. autonomy.
The primary example is of course Obamacare; a law of more than 2,000 pages, that the democrats admittedly did not read, that creates countless new agency powers to control health care decisions that were once entirely controlled by the public. Statutory fines are assigned to Obamacare with the IRS involved as the muscle of enforcement. The Obama era is all about regulations and statutory law with corresponding enforcement, under the threat of penalties.
At every turn Americans feel crowded in by Team Obama’s excesses, from its policies and from its going against the grain style of governance; a style that the United States just isn’t used to, nor should be.
So is it any wonder the Los Angeles Times is starting to realize this unvetted man lofted into the presidency is a fronting failure? Now granted, the disparaging vent comes from the Times' notable lone voice of reason, Andrew Malcolm but the point is the Los Angeles Times itself is being populated with sharp commentary over Obama's political reality.
Per the Los Angeles Times this week: Obama has even fallen into a statistical tie with none other than Sarah Palin, the former Alaska governor.
How embarrassing that is because other polls have shown a majority of Americans believe she is unqualified for the presidency. So it appears many have now decided, on second thought after a nearly two-year test drive, Obama looks that way too.
Mr. Obama’s current approval rating, according to Zogby, is now at 39 percent.
Obama is shaping up to be the Democrats’ 21st. century Carter, at best.

posted by Open Blogger at
03:10 PM
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