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November 27, 2010
CA and Embryonic Stem Cell Research [CDR M]
Back in 2004, California passed proposition 71 which was to spend $3 Billion dollars towards Embryonic Stem Cell Research. Today, there are multiple articles discussing how it has essentially been a money pit so far with no tangible results. In fact, it starts to sound like the dreary pap you get from global warming supporters that need more money for something that might take decades to come to fruition if ever.
Some six years later, with about $1.1 billion dispersed, there have been $270 million worth of impressive new labs built, research papers published, and respected scientists hired at exorbitant salaries, but no miracle cures or even marketable therapies. And none is likely for years, if not decades, to come. The promised financial payback for the financially strapped citizens of California is also far off.
Source: IBD Stem Cell Fraud
Emotions and anti-Bush feelings passed this proposition back in 2004 and the adult stem cell research has been far more successful to date than embryonic stem cell research. In 2014, these same people that wanted Proposition 71 passed are coming back for more money for research with little to no return on investment, unless you get paid to build new labs and "work" at said labs. Now I've seen various numbers for the number of successful treatments derived from adult stem cell research from around 70 up to 138. I'm not aware of a single treatment yet derived from embryonic stem cell research. I'm no expert in this (remember I put warheads on foreheads) but as a taxpayer (an investor so to speak) this does not seem to be a wise area to invest more money in.
More articles:
Yahoo News: California's Embryonic Boom Goes Bust

posted by Open Blogger at
06:06 PM
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