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October 28, 2010
Shock: "Head Stompee" Now Lying About Her Martyrdom on Olbermann
At POWIP, video of the girl rushing to Rand Paul's car and, yes, assaulting him, by pushing a placard against his face.
Yes, that's assault and battery. You cannot just reach out and touch whoever you like. Particularly when you're doing so in a menacing manner -- like running up to an open car window while wearing a disguise to hide your appearance.
They allowed her to commit assault once -- how many times should she be permitted to commit? When she rushed him a second time -- her intentions already made clear by the first assault -- should she have been permitted to re-offend?
I wonder if liberals would appreciate Tea Partiers doing this sort of thing with their candidates. Or if they'd take it as provocative, violative, and possibly dangerous -- when a crazed person rushes at you, you don't know what their intentions are, do you?
And on Olby, of course she lies and claims she just wanted to "give" the sign to Paul. She omits the rushing-the-car-and-pushing-a-stiff-placard-against-his-face-through-his-open-window part.
Having done that already, she attempted to rush Paul again, at which point people restrained her, and good on them.
I bought into the spin. Sorry again. The only thing that was done wrong here was the guy gratuitously putting his foot on her head (for a second) before moving it to her shoulder. That seemed like a little bit of payback. Not much, but unnecessary.
But as for the people blocking her? Well done. We don't let disguised people rush at politicians.
If any liberal wishes to dispute me on the point then please name a Democrat politician currently ahead in the polls who you will grant us all permission to rush at menacingly.
And then we'll see how much you really want to stand behind this bullshit assassin-friendly "rule" you've concocted.