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September 15, 2010
Out of Work? No Prospects? No Problem! Become a Trapped Chilean Miner and Watch the Job Offers Roll In.
Headline from CBS News: Chile’s Trapped Miners Get 1000 Job offers.
(CBS/AP) “Chile's 33 trapped miners have something good to think about: their next jobs. Bulldozer driver, mechanic, electrician. And here's a couple they might find particularly useful: "risk reduction specialist" and "escape-tunnel driller."
“Two dozen companies with operations in Chile have made more than 1,000 job offers to the trapped miners and their 317 sidelined co-workers at a job fair this week. Even if they choose to go back to mining, the work won't necessarily be underground and it will almost certainly be with a company with a better safety record than their struggling current employer.”
Map of Chile
Sounds like maybe some good opportunities for the up-and-coming miners to look into. After they up-and-come that is. Though as posted about before, there’s one of them who may wish to stay down there for awhile and consider his options. (3rd entry) These are basically limited to “going Gollum” and staying there forever or ascending to the surface and hoping for the possibility of a three-way. Each has its own advantages.
All in all though it sounds like it might be a good job creation model that the Obama Administration might want to look into, given that they have no other ideas at the moment. Or ever have. Hell, I’m ready to get started right away and have already taken an online course in basic mining techniques.
I’m shovel-ready baby! I figure if I dig down at least 10 feet and then collapse the tunnel on top of me, I could at least get a couple of letters of interest from the fast food industry. Or I may just keep going ‘till I reach China. The deeper I burrow the better the job offers get. At least I think that's how it works. Should I reach China they'll probably appoint me King. Or Khan. As a benevolent and wise leader I'll return 5% of my Khandom's U.S. securities to you, just before I call in the debt for the remaining 95%.

posted by Genghis at
09:00 AM
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