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August 26, 2010
RINOs, Other Betrayers Turn Out In Large Numbers In Primaries In Order To Defeat True Conservatism
We're outnumbered and outgunned; there is truly nothing we can do.
It's like WarGames -- the only rational response to a game you can't win is to not play at all.
The returns from this week’s Florida and Arizona primaries show, once again, that Republicans have an impressive advantage in the balance of enthusiasm this year.
Republicans, but not conservatives; they rise from their graves to claw their way back to some kind of power, at our expense. They must be stopped. On this all depends.
In Florida, the turnout in the top Republican race (for governor) was 1,282,490, while the turnout in the top Democratic race (for U.S. senator) was 909,307.
Right, where we had a choice between a billionaire dilletante RINO and a careerist politician who'd lived practically his whole adult life working a till at the favor bank, trading our futures for his buddies' gain. Some choice.
As Noam Chomsky observed, this is manufactured consent, obtaining a false consent by forcing the public to chose between only hand-picked options which differ only in terms of repulsiveness.
That’s in a state where registered Democrats outnumber registered Republicans by 612,773. About one-third (32%) of registered Republicans showed up and voted. Only one-fifth (20%) of registered Democrats did so.
That one-third of Republicans contains about half RINOs, who will swarm the polls on actual election day. The game is well and truly rigged against us and our children.
America, as the kids say, is over.
Do you see? Each vote for a Republican, each vote for a Democrat, is really a vote for the same corrupt system. Heads they win, tails you lose. Mere participation in this crooked scheme is a reaffirmation of it -- no matter which of these "political opponents" win, you lose. No matter which of these gray ciphers "lose," They win.
It must always be kept in mind that these "votes" are Punch-and-Judy shows arranged by our puppet-masters, who keep us choosing between this Republican evil and that Democratic evil and then pat themselves on the back for having tricked us once again into "choosing" one of their handpicked stooges.
We cannot win. They have rigged the game against us, they control the refs, they even control the supposed "opponents" in these "contests."
There is no "win" for us. It is a lie peddled to us by those who control us.
Until we realize this and reject the vile game entirely, we are doomed to live in shackles.
Send a signal -- send a message -- make your voice heard by remaining silent. Let Them know you're wise to their tricks and will participate in their corrupt scheme no longer.
For Those Who Might Not Have Read My Meltdown: This post is in response to the people who just can't seem to stop themselves from saying "we're doomed" or "what does it matter anyway, they're all in on it" and etc. I am giving them what they want, bleak negativity and conspiracy theories.