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RINOs, Other Betrayers Turn Out In Large Numbers In Primaries In Order To Defeat True Conservatism »
August 26, 2010
Blog's New Mission Statement: Stay Home on Election Day; Let's Teach the GOP a Lesson Once and For All!
"Firelight" was the straw that broke the back. I give up.
I am now on the side of the "True Patriot Heroes."
As I wrote:
To Firelight and the rest of the shrieking bitches,
whatever, I give up.
I thought I was talking to men, but I'm talking to hysterical shrieking sissies that want to jump on the chairs and start screaming like little girls every five minutes.
Whatever, you're right, you're all right.
I give up.
I am going to start writing this blog as the "men" and the "True Conservative Heroes" wish it to be written: I am going to urge people to stay home and throw their votes away on protest candidates because that's how we defeat Obama, I guess.
You wanted it, okay, here it comes.
I am tired of dealing with petulant children. At some point screaming children get their way, they always do. Adults do not have the fucking patience to put up with the hysterical screaming and crying jags forever.
SO: I am now working, per the demands of the True Patirot Brigade, to lose as many seats as possible.
I hope you enjoy it, "Men."
I've fucking had it. I cannot take the... more excitable and emotional contingent of very-manly men who post here. The are simply outclassing me in their very exuberant displays of masculine resolve and reason.
I give up. Let's all fucking freak out and scream how things suck and we're going to lose and it's really better if we do lose because it's really quite liberating to have no responsibilities whatsoever and thus be able to do nothing but grouse and complain.
Harry Reid Is Pretty Good, Really: He's a moderate, and he honestly seems to have the country's best interests at heart. Sure, I disagree with him from time to time, but at least he opposes me honestly, not like the dirty GOP which is always betraying me and cooking up secret accords to screw me over.
Viva Reid!
That's a total bullshit ad, by the way, by a GOP determined to trick you. For every reason to vote against Harry Reid (supposedly), I can give you five to vote for him.
He's a good man. He's a Mormon, you know? Religious; I like that.
He's done as good a job in a bad situation as anyone. Let's give him a few more years.
Better than selling out, I'll tell you that much! I am so tired of selling out to the GOP, and then having them sell me out for crumbs!
Better we just cut out the middleman and elect good, decent public servants like Harry Reid.