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August 26, 2010
Reporter: Yeah I Claimed Carnahan-Office Firebomber Was a Tea Partier; What's The Matter, Wingnuts? Can't Take a Joke?
Good stuff.
A writer for a St. Louis alternative newsweekly tells The Daily Caller he does not regret speculating in a story that the suspect of an attempted arson of a Democratic congressman’s campaign office was a Tea Party activist.
It turns out that the suspect in this week’s firebombing of Democratic Rep. Russ Carnahan’s campaign office in St. Louis was actually a liberal blogger and former paid campaign worker for Carnahan’s campaign.
“As to the legions of Tea Party adherents who are calling for my head: No, I have no regrets. I was having fun — at their expense,” River Front Times reporter Chad Garrison said in an email.
An attorney for the suspect, Chris Powers, confirmed his arrest to liberal news site Talking Points Memo (TPM). She said the activist had been disgruntled with Carnahan’s campaign over payment due to him. Powers also wrote a reader blog at TPM under the name Ripper McCord.
Here's the "joke" you morons aren't "getting:"
Outrage with Garrison comes from this paragraph in an article he penned about the incident. “Given what we know of him — 50, white, angry — he certainly fits the demographics of a Tea Party member.”
Bonus point for working the word "demographics" into his joke -- you don't see many jokes with the word "demographics" in them. Or written as a serious assertion, for that matter.
Maybe it's a pun. I never get puns.
But like all good comedians, he knows enough to extend the humorous premise when he's riffing on a roll:
Garrison said his report was a “joke” and was not meant literally. He pointed to another section of the same story where he wrote: “On second thought, maybe he’s not a Tea Party member. Firebombing your opponent’s office seems a little too, um, sane for that group.”
Again.. I'm sure this is sick-funny but I'm a little too stupid, I'm afraid, to understand the humor here. It's like that intellectual humor, you know, like on Frasier.
Oh That Reminds Me... I heard a joke once. It was pretty funny. Stop me if you've heard this one before:
Knock knock.
-- Who's there?
-- Boo who?
Boo who we're going to take the country back and leave you with nothing but your hot hysterical tears as you sob to yourself that your New God is dead and make hesitation-cuts on your wrists with a straighrazor.
Pretty good one too, right? I like the "boo hoo" part.
And also, the part where you die broken and alone.
Very "punny," I think.