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August 11, 2010
Something Has To Be Done About This Out Of Control Global Warming!
All 250 Inhabitants Of WI Town Burned To Bone Splinters And Ash
It was a fiery Independence Day in the tiny town of Egg Harbor, WI. Temperatures climbed to 600 degrees Fahrenheit just before 10 am.
Just awful.
The children. My God, the little babies. Such a loss...
Oddly, no one seems to have recorded this odd weather phenomenon except for the NOAA and Michigan State University, as an entry in the climate data which is being used to bolster claims of global warming. Along with other fraudulent data.
A beleaguered federal agency appears to be implicated in the most blatant and extreme case of climate data fraud yet seen. Official records have been confirmed as evidence that a handful of temperature records for the Great Lakes region have been hiked up by literally hundreds of degrees to substantially inflate the average temperature range for the northeastern United States.
If you go read the article you will see that one of the Great Lakes has also recently boiled away and all the fish are cooked through. If you live nearby you should mosey on down to check it out (bring some tartar sauce).
Thanks to Iowahawk's twitter feed.

posted by Laura. at
12:46 PM
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