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July 15, 2010
BP: Yeah, We Lobbied The Government To Hurry Up And Release The Lockerbie Bomber To Libya
I'm just gonna go ahead and say they have the Worst Company in the World title locked up for this year.
"BP told the UK government that we were concerned about the slow progress that was being made in concluding a Prisoner Transfer Agreement with Libya," BP said in a statement on Thursday.
"We were aware that this could have a negative impact on UK commercial interests, including the ratification by the Libyan government of BP's exploration agreement."
BP said, however, it was not involved in discussions regarding the release of Lockerbie bomber Abdel Basset al-Megrahi.
"The decision to release al-Megrahi in August 2009 was taken by the Scottish government. It is not for BP to comment on the decision of the Scottish government. BP was not involved in any such discussions about the release of al-Megrahi," it said.
Right. They had no comment on the decision just weighed in that if you're going to do it, do it fast so we can start drilling and doing business with Khadafi.
Just a reminder, al-Megrahi was supposed to have only 3 months to live. That was 11 months ago.
I know big business is tough and I know that in the oil industry dealing with unsavory characters is part and parcel of the gig. Even as a committed free market capitalist, I don't have to blindly cheer or excuse every despicable move a company makes.
Once the well is capped and the court proceedings are all said and done, if BP is found to be negligent and is bankrupted by the damages, I won't be sad.

posted by DrewM. at
11:53 AM
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