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Whip Count 3-20-10: 202 Yes, 214 No (Updated) »
March 20, 2010
Stupak Cancels/Delays Presser; Dem Leadership Says There Will Be No Deal
Okay, I thought this morning's press conference with Congressman Bart Stupak would settle the fate of the healthcare bill. He and the leadership were working furiously last night to work out a deal on abortion language.
It turns out the House Pro-Choice Caucus told Pelosi that if she cuts a deal with Stupak, they will vote against the whole mess: the Senate bill, the reconciliation sidecar, and any abortion provision offered to placate Stupak's bloc. So Stupak tried and Pelosi looked like she was going with it, but she's facing a mutiny if she does.
The fact that this occurred like this is great news. It means that Pelosi doesn't have the votes yet. Most counts have her a handful short. By my own count, she has to peel off some of the Stupak folks or she won't get to 216.
My final whip count and all the latest news on the healthcare vote will be up in a bit.
[DrewM]: Stupak is "finished with Pelosi". Does she have the votes without him? How many of his 'gang' stick with him?

posted by Gabriel Malor at
10:48 AM
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