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March 01, 2010
Chain of Fools: Larry Summers Preemptively Blames This Week's Regularly-Scheduled "Unexpected" Bad Jobs Report on Winter Snow (Which, By the Way, Is Due to Global Warming)
So really we need to pass cap 'n tax as soon as possible to get the economy going again.
White House economic adviser Larry Summers said on Monday winter blizzards were likely to distort U.S. February jobless figures, which are due to be released on Friday.
"The blizzards that affected much of the country during the last month are likely to distort the statistics. So it's going to be very important ... to look past whatever the next figures are to gauge the underlying trends," Summers said in an interview with CNBC, according to a transcript.
How much you want to bet it will still be deemed an "unexpectedly" bad report?
Expect the unexpected.