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Indiana Republicans: Go Sign This Woman's Petitions to Get Her on the Ballot (and Guarantee a Republican Pickup)
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February 15, 2010
Indiana Troublemakers Meet-Up Thread
Update: "I Signed"
I don't know if anyone in Indiana needs to contact anyone to make mischief, or if coordinating on this ballot-signature this is necessary.
Maybe some people can agree to run collected petitions to the local registrar.
If anyone has some organizing idea to help pull this off, post here.
This thread is really for Indiana people to organize. Please, no chit-chat and stuff. Use the other thread for that. This is for serious mischief-coordination only.
Remember: Signatures in the reddish counties, especially in the southwest, are especially critical.
[DrewM.] Someone at Firedog Lake spoke with D’Ippolito and apparently she's short in the Evansville/Terre Haute 8th Congressional District (represented by Brad Ellsworth, who is a leading choice to get the nod should the party pick the nominee). Help out if you are there or know people in that district.
"I Signed:" [ace] Like an "I Voted" thread -- if you've signed, let everyone know it, and how many signatures you got, and when you're planning on running your list over to the county clerk.
And make sure you look up where your county clerk is actually located. Don't put it off!
This can happen, man. This can be the greatest pwning in recent political history.