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February 13, 2010
Saturday Open Thread
I just spent an hour looking for something, anything, post-worthy, but nothing really stood up and waved its arms, so you're getting an open thread instead.
Here are some headlines to get you started:
NASA Has Trouble With New ISS Install
A critical insulating cover does not fit.
Olympic Probe Says It Was Driver Error, Not the Track, that Caused Georgian Luge Death
But if that's so, why have they decided that the men will start lower on the track?
Erick Erickson is Banning Birthers, Truthers, and "Groups Affiliated Therewith" from RedState
It's a highly symbolic gesture, brimming with political consequence. So here at the Q, I'm banning hockey, people who like the designated hitter rule, and lawyers who say things like "therewith."
Di-Fi Used Notes Written on Her Hand in 1990 Debate
Seriously, the only response you need to give your stupid libtard coworkers on this non-scandal is to sarcastically reply, "yeah, she should have just stuck with a teleprompter the whole time, like the President." That tends to shut them up quick. Either that or go on the warpath about liberal misogyny for calling it "Palin's hand job."
Google Buzz is Off to an Awful Start As It Apparently Discloses Your Most Frequently Used Email Addresses
I turned off Buzz immediately on all my gmail accounts, but I don't really know if that's removed whatever it disclosed from other people's Buzz lists. Or whatever. The truth is I can't fucking tell what Buzz did at all and that's most of the problem. Google should de-couple Buzz from Gmail. Always build for the opt-in, you stupid fools, not the opt-out.
What else is doin'?

posted by Gabriel Malor at
01:24 PM
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