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February 13, 2010
Davos proposal: require "licenses" for internet use
Apparently, this forward thinking, visionary, and very prudent measure was put forth by Craig Mundie, chief research and strategy officer for Microsoft.
...A “driver’s licence” for the web would be Christmas every day of the year for the control freaks....
...Without the internet, the completely fictitious global warming “consensus” would still be unchallenged, state power massively enlarged, $54 trillion of Western taxpayers’ money flooding into the coffers of carbon companies and people’s lives made miserable by totalitarian restrictions imposed to counter a non-existent threat...
Its not clear at present what the pass/fail criteria for license testing would be, who would administer them, what their duration would be, and if retesting upon renewal would be required, or if fees would be collected.
I look at it this way; if you can plug in and power up a computer to the point where its connected to the internet, you've already accomplished far more in terms of "demonstrating competence" than is required to ummm....VOTE.
I can haz repressive dictatorship now?