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December 30, 2009
The Chicago Obama Way: Underwear Bomber Lawyers Up
We’re Hoping he Changes his mind and tells about his training and any other plots he might know about.
Abdulmutallab remains in a Detroit area prison and, after initial debriefings by the FBI, has restricted his cooperation since securing a defense attorney, according to federal officials. Authorities are holding out hope that he will change his mind and cooperate with the probe, the officials said.
To our friends on the left who think this law enforcement model is the Awesome!…when the next hit comes, the blood is on your hands too.
Yesterday CBS reported that the CIA had information on Abdulmutallab. The agency quickly fired back that they didn’t really know all that much about him.
A U.S. intelligence official defended the agency’s handling of the elliptical information, telling POLITICO: “Abdulmutallab’s father didn’t say his son was a terrorist, let alone planning an attack. Not at all. I’m not aware of some magic piece of intelligence that suddenly would have flagged this guy — whose name nobody even had until November — as a killer en route to America, let alone something that anybody withheld.”
“Magic piece of intelligence”? What the hell do they need? A signed confession from the guy 6-8 weeks prior to his attempt to kill almost 300 people?
They had the father’s concerns, they knew he had gone to that terrorist hot spot of Yemen. He was also “a former president of the Islamic Society at University College London”. The alumni list of that position includes 3 others who have been arrested for terrorist activities. The Brits by the way had him on their Do Not Enter list. Do we not share this kind of information with our cousins across the pond? And if not, why not?
This seems like, I don’t know, a whole hell of a lot of dots that draw a pretty clear picture.
I’m not saying these dots are easy to connect but isn’t that why these guys get the big bucks? Seriously, what has to happen to get the big scary CIA to say, “hey, this chap isn’t quite right”?
8+ years after 9/11 and we still aren’t serious about this crap.

posted by DrewM. at
11:24 AM
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