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December 04, 2009
Overnight Open Thread - TGIF Edition (Mætenloch)
Finally it's Friday all. Time to start drinkin' and hatin' for fun instead of just to get by. But first let's see how screwed up your little moron brains are...
Very Cool Optical Illusion
If you look at this image close up, you should see an angry man on the left and a womanShep Smith on the right. Now back up 5 or 10 feet and look again. You'll see that the faces have switched.

Having a background in image processing I was pretty sure I knew how this illusion worked, and this
site confirmed it. See if you can figure it out without looking.
Four Grannies, One Ice Cream Cone
Yes, it's the video everyone was talking about last night. Mmmm vanilla.
Legal Drinking Ages Around the World
The Scandis are surprisingly strict when it comes to drinking. And hey you only have to be 17 to drink in North Korea. Woo hoo new Spring Break destination!

Click for the full-size version
Punctuation for Morons
cuz like u need it
Anthony Michael Hall Tried to Bite His Girlfriend's Face Off?
Going chimp is the new black.
Al-Queda Tots
This is supposed to scare us infidels, yet it's less than effective.
Obese Air Passenger Humiliated on the Web
Pros: The guy is a one-man jihadi block. Cons: If there's a fire, you're toast.
Tonight's post brought to you by lively love lives:
Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips to maetenloch at gmail. Otherwise send tips to Ace.

posted by xgenghisx at
10:00 PM
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