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December 03, 2009
Obama: I'll Be Photographed With Hate-Preacher Wright, But Damnit, I Will Not Be Seen In the Company of that Damanble F-22
Last month, Obama demanded an F-22 be removed from a hangar where he was giving another human-shield speech.
White House aides demanded the plane be changed to an older F-15 fighter because they didn't want Obama speaking in front of the F-22, a controversial program he fought hard to end.
"White House aides actually made them remove the F-22-said they would not allow POTUS to be pictured with the F-22 in any way, shape, or form," one source close to the unit relayed.
The airmen there took offense to the Obama aides' demand, sources told The Cable, seeing it as a slight to the folks who are operating the F-22 proudly every day. They also expressed bewilderment that the White House staff would even care so much as to make an issue out of the fact that the F-22 was placed in the hanger with the president.
I guess he thought the right would make a big issue out of him standing next to a plane he'd personally killed.
We wouldn't do that, would we?
I'm not sure what can be said here. I can't gin up a lot of the petulant outrage the left exhibited about every single thing Bush did; I can't keep up with their level of intense caterwauling. I try -- but I can't.
I have to give the left their props: They can scream and gnash their teeth like 24/7. Where do they get their energy? Oh, right: Tall skinny Starbucks lattes with a shot of Vermont Maple Hatred and a firm exercise regime of having nothing else going on in their pathetic lives.
I guess this confirms this guy thinks constantly in terms of staging and "optics," but we already knew that. And he seems to view the military with constant suspicion and palpable animosity: enemy camp and all.
Now, if any of you want to rant about this: Maybe I just didn't find the angle.
Meanwhile: a cadet read a book called "Kill Bin Ladin" as he waited for Obama to give his long, uninspiring, "victory"-free self-serving speech. Since he was reading before Obama showed up, he can't get into any trouble.
The guy was probably just reading a book, not attempting any kind of silent protest. Still, I guess it's a good reminder of why we're in Afghanistan in the first place... since our President seems to have forgotten his pledge to -- personally, he often made it sound like -- get bin Ladin at any cost. Any cost -- not with a lot of balancing for his outsized domestic spending initiatives.
Check out Reuters (emphasis added):
Obama is expected to announce a plan to send 30,000 more U.S. troops to Afghanistan over six months in a bid to beat back the Taliban and bring a quicker end to a costly and unpopular eight-year war.
Notice how eager they are to call the war "costly and unpopular." Obama's health-care initiative is far more costly and also quite unpopular, but they seem to have this... inexplicable reluctance to say so.
And by the way: The war is unpopular, to the extent it is, because we haven't won it. The goal of the war is certainly not unpopular.
In fact, Obama campaigned expressly on a platform of Kill bin Ladin.