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November 28, 2009
Phil Jones: damn this cooling we need it to warm up!
The whole email exchange at this link is worth a read. It starts out at the bottom with our illustrious "science czar" John Holdren being CC:'d on the Sulphur Dioxide "plume stacks" cooling scheme that has been floating around, then towards the top morphs into Phil Jones wishing the damn cooling would just quit. Good stuff.
> >From: Phil Jones [mailto:p.jones@xxxxxxxxx.xxx]
> >Sent: 05 January 2009 16:18
> >To: Johns, Tim; Folland, Chris
> >Cc: Smith, Doug; Johns, Tim
> >Subject: Re: FW: Temperatures in 2009
> >
> >
> > Tim, Chris,
> > I hope you're not right about the lack of warming lasting
> > till about 2020. I'd rather hoped to see the earlier Met Office
> > press release with Doug's paper that said something like -
> > half the years to 2014 would exceed the warmest year currently on
> > record, 1998!
> > Still a way to go before 2014.
> >
> > I seem to be getting an email a week from skeptics saying
> > where's the warming gone. I know the warming is on the decadal
> > scale, but it would be nice to wear their smug grins away.
"Wear smug grins away" indeed ;->