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November 28, 2009
The "Chicago Machine Politics" of International Science
Steyn on the nonsense of the "peer-review" claim.
The most amusing part of Ed Begley Jr's spat with Stuart Varney was his grey brow-forward, in your face insistence that "peer-review" is what makes it Science!™ and not mucky opinion-nonsense from all the deniers.
He yelled this at Varney while the world was reading the email exchanges from the "scientists" who for years have been doing their best to hide their work and selecting their peer reviewers. And selecting their willing media acolytes (NYT link, polar bear on slushy ice photo, no charge).
It ain't rocket science for me to take a cheap shot at an idiot celeb whose awareness of current events makes him sound like an idiot. And it ain't rocket science (but it is a cheap blog post) for me to mock it.
I'm just giving you an 81mm round to hand back to your second cousins this weekend when they claim "scientists" are checking all the facts ma'am. The "scientists" are in the bag. Feel free to express that point. It bears repeating to the claim of "the science is settled".
The "science" had owner obligations, and unethically cooked the books to maximize investor returns.

posted by Dave In Texas at
10:27 AM
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