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April 16, 2009
Vid: John Ziegler Arrested for Daring to Ask Katie Couric Questions at Award Event
Bear in mind, of course, "journalists" demand entry and act like pains in the ass on a daily basis. When they're going after the little people, you understand.
But do that to them and they'll sic the cops on you.
We do live in Two Americas. And it is increasingly clear that one of those Americas enjoys rights and privileges not shared by the other America.
Thanks to EdwardR.
Interesting Debate in the Comments... About whether Ziegler's purported right to free speech, or the university's right to dominion over what guests it allows on its property, is paramount.
But I don't think this is a strictly legal question, and I think this misses the point. While it may (or may not) be true the university has, strictly, a right to arrest uninvited persons who refuse to leave, in fact a lot of such rights are not excercised, even though they could be, when they clash with free speech rights.
In other words, whatever the true prioritization of rights, the conflict is usually avoided, because those holding the property rights usually refrain from insisting upon their full quantum of rights and, what is the word, just be chill about it.
An example: UNC had the right to arrest the vandals/trespassers, but didn't. Police claim that they are considering charges, but we all know there's a special secret caveat in the Constitution that leftwing lawbreakers are never arrested for vandalism and the like. (If they create a clear and unavoidable disruption, they will be detained, temporarily, and then sentenced to time served, which is usually like 12 hours.)
But here's Ziegler, just standing around with a microphone, being a bit of a pain in the ass, and here come the cops.