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April 16, 2009
Bammy Won't Prosecute CIA Officials Who Waterboarded Terrorist Murderers
Thank Obama for small favors.
he Obama administration on Thursday informed CIA officials who used waterboarding and other harsh interrogation tactics on terror suspects that they will not be prosecuted, senior administration officials told The Associated Press.
Even before President Barack Obama took office in January, aides signaled his administration was not likely to bring criminal charges against CIA employees for their roles in the secret, coercive terrorist interrogation program. It had been deemed legal at the time through opinions issued by the Justice Department under the Bush administration.
But the statement being issued Thursday by Attorney General Eric Holder, the nation's chief law enforcement officer, is the first definitive assurance that those CIA officials are in the clear, as long as their actions were in line with the legal advice at the time.
JackStraw predicts a "nutroots explosion." He hasn't been paying attention. The nutroots will issue Important Action Alerts and Pretty Vicious Rants for precisely 24 hours, just to prove their principles are more important than Bammy, and they won't mean a word of them, and then we'll never hear about this again.