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March 21, 2009
Overnight Open Thread: The BBC has Some Questions For You (genghis)
Remember how during the recent election cycle the American press would always trot out polls taken in Europe regarding who they’d choose to be our President? (As if they had a say in the matter? Well, actually, if you go back and read some of the stories at the time about some of the fucked-up voting practices, it’s quite possible they did.) But, have you ever noticed that no one ever polls U.S. citizens about who we think should be, say, Germany’s Chancellor? Or Amsterdam’s city dog-catcher? This isn’t quite as satisfying, but the BBC has put up what they’re calling a “Euro Test.”
”This test contains 25 questions to gauge your attitude towards Europe. There are four sections: Euro People, Euro Politics, Euro Leisure and Euro Work. After taking the test you will be told which category you fall into.”
(Sorry, but you don’t get to weigh in about hideous Euro-Wuss Techno dance music. At least not in this poll. Nothing stopping you from doing so in the comments here though.) And for some reason whenever I see the word “Euro” I mentally substitute it with the word “Lego.”
BUT:You. Will. Be. Told. Good to see there are still some “Deciders” left in this world. Sadly, this multiple-choice quiz doesn’t allow for write-in answers, and is geared towards Brits, but put on your best soccer hooligan face and go help them out, won’t you?
Thanks to oLD gUY for the tip.
Smackdown below the fold.
What would Alex do?
I know, I know…used that pic just a few days ago. But any excuse to post it is a good one. Plus it’s also a good opportunity to re-link this
masterpiece of an Iowahawk post from from last fall’s election.
Finally, and you can debate if you’d like: If provided with equal numbers, who would come out on top in a street scrap; America’s own “The Warriors?” Or do you think Alex’s un-named band of Droogs would whup some Coney Island ass? And why has no one written a screenplay exploring the story concept? After all, somebody in Hollywood thought it was worth making “Aliens vs. Predators,” and before that (in the ‘70’s) “King Kong vs. Godzilla.” As always, feel free to comment in your best Cockney or Brooklyn accent if you wish.
Compare and contrast please: Swan vs. Alex?
(Of course, any actual street gang would gun them all down in seconds, but let's just pretend...kind of like you pretend to have lives.)
Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips to xgenghisx@gmail.com. Otherwise send tips to Ace.

posted by xgenghisx at
08:58 PM
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