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January 25, 2009
Heh: Republicans Suggest Moving Gitmo Detainees to Alcatraz
Pelosi doesn't want to mess up the national park though.
Perhaps he's not visited Alcatraz," Pelosi said of Young while displaying little sense of humor. "Alcatraz is a tourist attraction. It's a prison that is now sort of like a -- it's a national park."
That explanation didn't stop House Minority Leader John Boehner from repeating the suggestion on Sunday, making that point that closing down Guantanamo by year's end may not be the best plan considering the recidivism rate of terrorist detainees is about 12 percent.
"If liberals believe they ought to go, maybe we ought to open Alcatraz," Boehner, R-Ohio, told NBC "Meet the Press." Being reminded that Alcatraz is a national park, Boehner responded, "It's very secure."
Anybody think she's ever visited there?
It's gonna suck, being in the minority for a while (hell, it's starting to suck being what feels like a minority in the Republican party these days), but this is the kind of needling and prodding from the opposition that I enjoy. Perhaps I'm just being naive (and don't you find my naiveté refreshing?), but you take what you can. We can't beat em for a while, but surely we can dick with them some.
And if the detainees riot there, can we shell them again?
I hope so!

posted by Dave In Texas at
03:14 PM
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