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January 25, 2009
Moron Meetup Success Last Night
No One Was Bitten And Everybody Kept Their Helmets On
Quote from a member on our Yahoo message board this morning:
"That was an absolute blast."
We had about twentyyyy-flavin people this go-around, we estimate.
If you Morons out there are not making an effort to find each other and have regional get-togethers with like-minded folks from all walks of life, you do not know what you are missing.
Highly recommend setting up a message board for this purpose. Much easier way to communicate and to establish precisely whose job it is to forget to bring the camera.
Our venue this last time was ideal. We had the whole top floor to ourselves, and the food was very good. Was great to get out and do something social to break up the Winter doldrums, too.
If you had a Moron Meetup this weekend, we hope yours was just as much fun.
If you didn't have one and would like to, use your dog whistle in these comments and see if anything comes running.
[OK, COMMENTS ARE DOWN UPDATE: I put the distress call out to Pixy. Sorry for the inconvenience.]
[Look, it's the Pixysignal! Time to rewind the mainspring and - SPROING!!! Damn. They don't make these things like they used to. I'll just replace it with this eggbeater and fourteen feet of rubber hose, and... There we are! Good as new!]
MORE THOUGHTS: Blankminde's map (just put it under the fold again for you) is a great tool for finding other Morons, but there has to be a more streamlined way of making it easy for people to form groups than to chance finding the map when it's posted or hoping someone from your area will be on a particular comments thread.
Any suggestions?
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posted by Laura. at
09:58 AM
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