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January 24, 2009
AP Reporter Files Hard Hitting Story Sends Love Note To Obama
Oh my. I’m not even going to try and fisk the whole thing because I feel pretty dirty just reading it but it’s really amazing.
A few highlights.
Barack Obama opened his presidency by breaking sharply from George W. Bush's unpopular administration, but he mostly avoided divisive partisan and ideological stands. He focused instead on fixing the economy, repairing a battered world image and cleaning up government.
Repealing a ban on aid for abortions abroad isn’t divisive or partisan? How about announcing to Republicans that “I won” and “I will trump you on that” when it comes to making decisions on the so-called “stimulus plan”? Did waiving his vaunted ban on lobbyists all of one day into his administration constitute “cleaning up government”? Was it the use of "Hope And Change" missiles instead of "Hellfires" that reparied our image abroad?
He decreed that interrogators must follow techniques outlined in the Army Field Manual when questioning terrorism suspects, even as he ordered a review that could allow CIA interrogators to use other methods for high-value targets.
Ah, that must be more of that vaunted sharp break from the Bush administration we’ve heard so much about.
A picture of poise, Obama didn't get rattled when Chief Justice John Roberts flubbed the oath of office, an exercise repeated a day later to ensure constitutionality. He breezed through his speech — which repudiated Bush's tenure though never personally attacked him — without a misstep. Even with the weight of the country's troubles now on his shoulders, he was relaxed as he twirled his wife, Michelle, at celebratory balls.
Really? He wasn’t nervous when he was sworn in? Let’s go to the video tape. Seemed kinda nervous when he interrupted Roberts at the start and a little flustered when Roberts mangled the placement of ‘faithfully’ but that could just be me.
I guess getting the number of men who have taken the oath wrong isn’t a “misstep”. I did not know that.
Yes, he twirled his wife, lovely. Of course he didn’t dance with her or even show up to the American Legion’s “Salute To Heroes Ball” honoring Medal of Honor recipients and other decorated veterans. He’s the first President to skip the ball since it’s inception in 1953.
"I don't sweat," Obama said on the eve of his inauguration — a comment meant literally, and, perhaps, figuratively.
Um, I guess the AP style book doesn’t cover the difference between literally and figuratively or Obama has a serious glandular problem.
And finally…
In one Oval Office ceremony, Obama went through each executive order as he signed them, reading parts of each and methodically explaining them. He even halted a few times to ask for clarification from his White House counsel. That sort of deferral to someone else in a public setting and admission of a less-than-perfect command of the facts was never Bush's style.
But I thought Obama was super smart and knew everything, while Bush was the dummy. Change indeed.
I eagerly await more hard hitting coverage of the Obama administration. Up next..Obama's favorite color! What kind of tree he we would be if he were a tree and of course, Obama: Does America really deserve him?
You keep it professional AP.

posted by DrewM. at
06:45 PM
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