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My Dick Just Grew and Inch and a Half »
January 20, 2009
Liveblogging the Event!
10:45AM The First Ladies come out of the White House and get in the limo. Michelle looks great in a gold dress. Laura has a gray coat. Looks like a hospital gown? You don't think...
10:47AM Cheney gets wheeled out. Probably had to pry him out of the West Wing.
10:48AM The President and Bush get in the limo. Juan Williams says it's a "magic moment."
10:50AM Motorcade is on the way! It's so powerful that people have stopped screaming and just started staring. Quote: "My God, my God."
11:00AM Motorcade arrives at Capitol Hill. According to the schedule, they're three minutes late. It's probably because Cheney had to be wheeled out. That man will do anything to stay in power.
11:05AM The Chief Justice has arrived. He's damn lucky to be here, too. The President voted not to confirm him. Couldn't Obama have asked for Ginsburg?
11:08AM AL GORE!!!
11:13AM Bush 41 arrives. He looks cold and old. Wrinkled and tired.
11:14AM Here comes Carter. He looks so great. Smiling. Still presidential today.
11:16AM And here are the Clintons. Hillary looks great. Bill is even smiling a little.
11:19AM Introductions begin. We're 15 minutes behind schedule now. I bet * is dragging his feet.
11:20AM Did I mention that the elder Bushes have matching purple scarves? It's a war crime.
11:23AM MSNBC spies men moving boxes out of the White House. The Bushes probably trying to steal silverware. And paintings.
---More updates will be below the fold.--
11:14AM Sasha and Malia arrive. They have a white nanny. Just sayin'.
11:29:AM Crowd is chanting "O-Bam-A." Anticipation is building.
--We here at Obama is Aces HQ would like to apologize for the crack at 11:14AM. The "white nanny" is Obama's grandmother. Oops.--
11:33AM Bush arrives.
11:35AM President Bush is announced. And Dick Cheney. And Mitch McConnel. And John Boener. Hail to the Thief.
11:36AM It's 26 degrees on the Mall.
11:38AM Harry Reid gets raucous applause. Vice President Biden is grinning. And kissing women along the red carpet. *Swoon*
11:42AM Diane Feinstein gets cheers. Nancy Pelosi too. Diane looks a bit old. Nancy has a freshly new grin. They are "escorting the President-Elect" which means the time is nigh.
11:43AM They announced "Barack H. Obama." What gives?
11:45AM Diane Feinstein talked and I missed it! Well that's what TIVO is for.
11:48AM Rick Warren prays. Blah, blah. They guy should never have been selected for this honor.
11:53AM Aretha "R-E-S-P-C-T" Franklin sings "My Country Tis of Thee." Except it doesn't sound like that. What is that? Her hat is to die for, though.
11:56AM Justice Stevens is administering the oath of office to VP Biden. Cutting it kinda close, aren't they? It's almost noon.
11:59AM Musical interlude what? Who doesn't like Yo Yo Ma, but really that crowd is going to tear down the bandstand if they don't make with the One and I mean RIGHT NOW.
I do have to admit, that's some freakish talent right there. Do you know how hard it is to play an instrument at 26 degrees? I'm surprised that cello and violin are in tune.
12:04AM The Chief Justice comes forward. Remember this moment, people! REMEMBER.
Some petty sabotage from the Chief Justice talking over Obama. It's okay, though. We've got a new President!
12:07AM Obama speaks.
"mindful of the sacrifices"
---Further updates will be in the Inaugural Address Thread above. Thanks for tuning in.---

posted by Gabriel Hussein Malor at
10:52 AM
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