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Overnight Open Thread (genghis) »
January 19, 2009
So, What Are You Reading?
We've had a couple of these overnight book threads before and they seem to be fun, so I thought I'd throw one up and see what you all have going on bookwise.
I just finished Ender's Game and World War Z which were recommended by a bunch of folks in response to my Sci-Fi bleg a few weeks back.
I enjoyed both a lot. I thought Ender's was clever but it felt like it dragged a bit in parts, mostly after the big reveal. World War Z was a lot of fun but creepy as hell. Damn, I have got to get prepared for the coming zombie apocalypse.
Up next for me, back to non-fiction. In this case a biography of Winston Churchill. That just seems appropriate as we conservatives head off for our time in the wilderness.
Enjoy the last few hours of the Bush administration. The shit officially hits the fan at noon.

posted by DrewM. at
11:59 PM
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