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January 11, 2009
More Creepy Stuff From The Cult Of The One [Vinnie]
And it happened in one of the reddest of the red states here in flyover country. Sadly, it just happens to be mine.
"The first day we went into the recording studio, I was telling my friends, 'I'm about to go into a recording studio' and they were like, 'What song are you going to sing?' and I was like, 'It's a secret,'" said Morgan Mayers.
Karen Sokolof Javitch wrote the song, using a melody she created for a musical about Princess Diana. She said she asked the girls to record it in hopes of capturing their energy and spirit.
"They brought it to life," she said. "I have goose bumps about it now, just talking about it."
She said the song is about hope for a better world and she hopes Obama gets to hear it soon.
"He's got two little girls younger than these girls, so he could relate and could relate to the song," she said. "I hope he would be proud of it."
I've long known that Girls Inc. was nothing more than an indoctrination center for The New Glorious Socialist Revolution disguised as a place for "disadvantaged" girls to, well, I don't actually know what they do other than try to indoctrinate low income girls into their New Glorious Socialist Revolution. And foment racism, sexism, and many other -isms that are supposedly not practiced by the Left in this country, despite the fact that they wrote the book on -isms. And don't get me started on their abortion views.
Anyway, for those of you brave enough to click the link at the bottom of the story and actually watch the music video linked there, I salute you. I could only stand a few seconds of it before I said to myself "how sad," and shut it off.
Excrement question: If you did watch the video, did "Hitler Youth" pop up in your mind?

posted by xgenghisx at
08:20 PM
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