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January 05, 2009
Information Bleg: My Christmas War With KFMB-AM
Not to get too "2008 Retro" on you all, but would anyone happen to have a screencap of the "Congressional Motors" blog entry on Rick Roberts' blog on the KFMB-AM in San Diego website from early in the day on Christmas Eve? It'll have to be from before mid afternoon (central time) when they flushed the whole thing down the ol' memory hole. I'd love to find copies of it from before and after the attribution to Iowahawk was added to the original entry. Any screencap that also includes the 900+ comments would be peachy.
Why didn't I get a screencap myself? Uhm, yeah. Hello McFly! MORON BLOGGER, remember? People, what makes you think that I know how these blog thingies work anyhow? Have you ever seen me embed a YouTube video here? Think there's a reason why it's never happened? Hell, I don't know if I could even construct a link to any halfway decent lesbian pr0n, much less link a thoughtful, provocative article. I'm usually on the phone with Dave in Texas at least twice during every posting attempt, crying and asking him "Dave, why don't they LIKE me?"
If youse gots whats I needs, youse can reach me at the usual place (farmerruss "at" gmail "dot" com).
On a completely unrelated note, make sure to go vote for the Ace of Spades HQ as the Best Conservative Blog of 2008. As of 10:30 pm CST, the AoSHQ is only ahead of Pamela at Atlas Shrugs by just over 100 votes. If you've been paying attention to the Senate Race in Minnesota, you already know that a 100-vote lead can disappear like virginity on prom night, so go and show your devotion to one of the leading conservative thinkers on the interwebthingy*, mmmmKay?
* (OK, I'm brown nosing here, but dude CAN flat out ball when he's in the zone. Yeah, Pamela's a great blogger who's got a much nicer rack than Ace does, but are we the sort of shallow mouthbreathers who'll vote for who's the best representative of the conservative blogosphere based on their cup size? No. We're the sort of shallow mouthbreathers who'll vote for who's the best representative of the conservative blogosphere based on memorable phrases like "Suck the barbed cock of Satan" and unforgettable graphics like the "Andrew Sullivan Freakout Alert Status". Besides, lauraw just told me that Dave told her that Slublog overheard DrewM talking to Jack, who said that Gabe thinks that if the AoSHQ fails to win this year, Ace is finally going to follow through with switching formats to "all LOLcats, all the time". I'm super serial here.)
LATE BREAKING UPDATE: I just finished voting on all the categories for the weblog awards, and I found one that's AoSHQ Lifestyle approved in the Best Pet Blogs category. You'll know which one it is when you get there. Now you don't HAVE to vote for Ace. And you don't HAVE to vote for nicedeb. But you Abso-freaking-lutely HAVE to vote for Fuck You, Penguin for Best Pet Blog of 2008. I'm begging you here, if you ever listen to anything I say, listen to this: Fuck You, Penguin MUST win this award. The future of this timeline depends upon it. Well, maybe not THIS timeline. How about the timeline where Teh Fred & Sarah Palin win the White House with a 63-35 landslide?

posted by Russ from Winterset at
11:39 PM
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