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October 27, 2008
ATF: Skinheads Plan to Assassinate Obama and "102 Black People" UPDATE: Utter Idiots?UPDATE: Fantasia Update: 88 and 14 (Kat-Mo)
(moved down to keep a good man's memorial above the immoral methheads - Kat)
Not to interrupt appropriate commemoration of Dean, but...
No link, yet. Fox's Neil Cavuto saying that ATF interrupted a skinhead plan to assassinate Obama and kill "102 Black People".
No other details.
Wait to get crazy. The "102 Black People" thing sounds a little odd, but that is exactly what's being quoted. How exactly do you kill that number exactly?
Skinheads suck.
Update: As noted, don't get crazy. Looks like some idiots were planning to rob a liquor store and decided to go the whole distance claiming big plot beyond their IQ.
Update II: Now they had a plot to kidnap black students and kidnap and decapitate 14 others?
Wow..this story is getting crazier by the minute. They actually said they were going to kill "eighty eight" black people and decapitate 14 more for the "102". Anyone knowing prison gangs knows that "eighty eight" is code for "HH" or Hitler (H being the eighth letter in the alphabet).
Time to slow down. Nobody knows crap. They are now saying that the "plot was credible enough to go 'pick them up'". Seems like this is actually some skinheads that have been under some sort of long term investigation and the ATF had "credible" information that they were at least talking about it and couldn't risk not "picking them up".
So, as noted, some guys talking crap in their shanty while comparing prison tats. But, Obama's in town so they "couldn't risk it."
Skinheads still suck.
UPDATE III: Okay, gun store, not a liquor store. As noted, long term investigation. Unsealed records of investigation indicate bigger plans and it looks like they were in stage I of their idiotic planning so the ATF decided to nix it now.
And, yes, two young idiots and the arrests had already occurred sometime before the story was released. One of them already had an attorney hired by the release of the story.
thanks somebody in comments for the tip.
Update IV: Final update here and this is obviously some morons trying to figure out how to earn their "creds" with the skinheads. "88" is in reference to the eighth letter in the alphabet is "H" for Hitler and curmudgeon reminds me "14" appears to be "the 14 words that save our race" or some such garbage. Which, I believe is in reference to an oath these morons take. Sorry, you have to get the rest of your gang education somewhere else since I don't want to do more to pull any of these scumbags to the site or get some lefties screaming we know this from personal experience.
However, that is apparently how these two idiots came up with the number of people they wanted to kill: 14+88=102. Not really anything to do with how many people they could actually kill in a venue or through some sort of action. Just pure fantasy playing on their idiotic ideology.
posted by xgenghisx at
04:20 PM
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