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October 24, 2008
The American Media is Biased in Favor of Obama, Says... Russia
And they know a bit about manipulation of public thought.
ussia's Central Elections Committee has also assigned its Centre for the Study of Election Technology to review the U. S. election campaign.
A preliminary report prepared by the group, after studying U. S. media coverage on the NBC, CBS and ABC television networks since September, has concluded Barack Obama, the Democratic presidential candidate, has a "hidden advantage."
A preliminary report obtained by the Russian daily online newspaper Kommersant concludes the U. S. television networks devoted more time to Republican candidate John McCain, but "the material that makes up that time difference can be assessed as negative."
The Russian study also said Sarah Palin, the Republican vice-presidential pick, has been subjected to more criticism than her Democratic counterpart, Senator Joe Biden.
It adds that when the presidential candidates' platforms are described, Mr. Obama's is described last, to make it look better, and when platforms are compared, "Obama's is presented preferable."
The observations appear to ape western criticisms of Russia's elections in which international observers have complained Russia's television networks are overwhelmingly pro-Kremlin and offer unbalanced and unfair coverage of opposition candidates.
Note they're releasing this defensively, to prove that Russia's own media abuses are just par for the course, no worse than that in the US.
And, apart from the murder of opposition journalists, they're pretty much right.
Thanks to locus.