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October 24, 2008
Tip: Obama Partisans in Ohio Goverment Agencies Illegally Pawed Through Joe the Plumber's Private Records?
Joe Wurzelbacher's personal information was rummaged through by partisans in three state agencies.
For no legitimate purpose, with no legitimate reason for a state investigation, records were illegally accessed in the Toldedo Police Department, he office of the (state) Attorney General, and, for reasons unknown, the Cuyahoga County Child Enforcement Agency (just to let you know how vicious a fishing expedition they were willing to conduct).
There can be little doubt that Obama partisans were illegally accessing private information about a citizen.
Should be something about this popping up in the next 2-3 days.
Since Joe has already been "vetted" and has had an opposition research dossier built up on him through illegal access of government records, I guess there's no reason why he shouldn't go ahead and run for Congress.
And then chair the investigations.
I know this breaks an internet rule, but, hey -- if you've earned it, wear it proudly.
The New America
Citizens are to be investigated.
Political leaders are to be protected.
Fall in line or fall under suspicion.