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October 23, 2008
First Blood (Kat-Mo)
In case some of you all are not aware, today is the anniversary of one of the first massive suicide bombing attacks on the United States Military.
25 Years ago today, 241 Americans were killed and 60 injured when a SVBIED was driven into the Marine Barracks in Lebanon, Beirut.
Is there much difference between Shi'ite extremists in Iran and Sunni extremists in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Pakistan or Afghanistan that call themselves Al Qaeda? Not much. They all believe they learned the same lesson from US History:
In the meantime, the attack gave a boost to the growth of the Shi'ite organization Hezbollah. Hezbollah denied involvement in the attacks but was seen by Lebanese as involved nonetheless as it praised the "two martyr mujahideen" who "set out to inflict upon the U.S. Administration an utter defeat not experienced since Vietnam ..."[10] Hezbollah was now seen by many as "the spearhead of the sacred Muslim struggle against foreign occupation".
And they all believe that their problems are caused by foreigners. Of course, Hezbollah is still in Lebanon, contrary to Joe Biden's assertions, and has never left. The United States did not "drive Hezbollah out" in 1983 nor in 2005 during the Lebanon Spring.
Hezbollah remains Iran's deadly proxy and US citizens remain victims of Hezbollah actions in the Levant and in Iraq where Iranian agents have set up a new arm of Hezbollah that has been responsible for VBIEDs that have killed more Americans to this day.
This is the long war. This is the war against Islamic extremist terrorists. It doesn't matter what their "school of thought" is, whether they believe in twelve rightly guided caliphs (Shi'ite) or four (Sunni). These terrorist extremists all have one thing in common: the establishment of political Islam as the government of every Middle East nation, the irradication of Israel and the destruction of the United States as the most powerful western nation with political, military, economic and cultural influence around the globe that they see as a threat to their very existence.
This is why Sen. Obama is a dangerous selection. He does not understand the nature of the enemy. That they have long term goals and that they see those long term goals as unaccomplished so long as the United States exists. It is not even a matter of whether we have a military presence in that region or even buy oil. Wherever and whenever the United States interacts with these nations, even for commercial purposes of trade, it is a threat to the establishment of Political Islam as the dominating cultural and political force. Wherever there is the presence of freedom, democracy and capitalism, even something so simple as a red, white and blue can of Pepsi, it is a threat. Because, as history has shown, totalitarian ideologies that seek to control the public cannot compete with freedom or its representation in any form so it must be destroyed.
Obama's main danger is that he sees only the "grievances" of such extremists and their state sponsors and gives those grievances more creedance than he does their ideology of political and religious dominance or their own ambitions of expansion and destruction. Not to see their ideology or ambitions as dangerous is to pretend that a raging fire cannot melt steel.
It is the mentality of the democrat "grievance mongerers" here in our nation who break up our society into various "victims" of this or that power or problem, translated to our foreign policy on the national stage.
When the "victim" attacks us and kills our people, we are supposed to pretend that they had a good reason and stand by while they do it over and over again. Then one day we wake up to find thousands of our citizens dead. What will Obama's reaction be then? More turning of the cheek and mea culpa's for making the "victims" attack us?
I say, keep the grievance mongerers out of the presidency. We need somebody who actually knows that "when they bring a knife, you pull out a gun" is more than a rhetorical flourish.

posted by xgenghisx at
12:16 PM
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