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October 23, 2008
McCain - Palin Rally in Cincinnati
Our gal Kevlarchick sent me a few pics her sister took when she was at the McCain - Pally rally in Cincinnati yesterday. Her sis mentioned she got there about 3 hours ahead of time, which put her right up close to the plane. After the rally they got to shake hands with McCain and Sarah, the families and the rest of the entourage.
Here's the First Dude (a nod to the ladies first)
kevlarchick mentions her sister got to see Todd up close and shake hands, and passed along her comment "WOWZA!"
more below the fold
Piper autographing, something. What a cutie.

Good stuff. Thanks, Kevlarchick's sister, citizen-journalist!
And thank you KC, for sending them.

posted by Dave In Texas at
12:50 PM
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