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October 15, 2008
Al Qaeda In Iraq's Number 2 Man Killed By Ill Fitting Adult Diapers And American Marksmanship But Mostly American Marksmanship
American troops acting on a tip killed the No. 2 leader of al-Qaida in Iraq a Moroccan known for his ability to recruit and motivate foreign fighters in a raid in the northern city of Mosul, the U.S. military said Wednesday.
The military statement described the man, known as Abu Qaswarah, as a charismatic leader who had trained in Afghanistan and managed to rally al-Qaida followers in Iraq despite U.S. and Iraqi security gains.
...U.S. troops killed Abu Qaswarah, also known as Abu Sara, on Oct. 5 after coming under fire during a raid on a building that served as an al-Qaida in Iraq "key command and control location for" in Mosul, the military said.
Abu Qaswarah one of five insurgents killed was later been positively identified, the military said, without elaborating.
The insurgent leader became the senior al-Qaida in Iraq emir of northern Iraq in June 2007 and had "historic ties to AQI founder Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and senior al-Qaida leaders in Afghanistan and Pakistan," the military said.
It called him "al-Qaida in Iraq's second-in-command" as the senior operational leader for al-Zarqawi's successor, Abu Ayyub al-Masri, also known as Abu Hamza al-Muhajir.
Driscoll said Abu Qaswarah directed the smuggling of foreign terrorists into northern Iraq and reportedly killed those who tried to return to their homelands rather than carry out suicide bombings and other attacks against Iraqis.
As always, Obama, Pelosi and Reid would like to remind you this only creates more terrorists and that the war is lost.
For some more good news from Iraq (You remember Iraq don't you? Well, you wouldn't if you just got your news from the MSM), check out this post on the graduation of some new Iraqi military pilots.
One of the kids nudged me when a DV started getting passionate in his address, and was interrupted by a standing ovation:
He is saying that for the first time in our history, we are not doing things for one man, but we are doing it for all the people of Iraq. He is saying the US has showed us how, and we must not forget when we thank God every day, we must also ask him to bless the US.
As you'll see from the post, their numbers are small but growing and so is their confidence in their own country.

posted by DrewM. at
12:31 PM
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